Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Little Knowledge

A little knowledge goes a long way, and that's the purpose of this blog.

I've been in the insurance business for a while now and the one thing that remains the same is that people always have questions, and many don't know exactly how they're being covered.

What I hope to accomplish here is to provide that knowledge, get people to look at their policies, see what they have and what their lacking and make moves to better protect themselves.

In no way am I'm selling anything, though I work in the field, this is a purely educational endeavor. Furthermore, the knowledge I provide here is not intend as advice, only information. If you choose to make any changes to your policy you should always, repeat ALWAYS, discuss it with your agent.

I will try to update every weekday with information on various parts of insurance policies, but I invite all questions and comments and will attend to each one as it's received.

So please, share the knowledge, share the questions and together we'll make sure that you're being protected as you deserve to be.

-The Insurance Whiz

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