A lot of things can happen to raise your rate on any insurance. Sometime it's just inflation, the insurance companies often adjust their rates based on that. Sometimes it's you. A claim can dramatically raise your rates, sometimes far more then would be expected.
So what can you do to reduce your rates?
The most obvious, and time consuming, is to shop around. There are countless insurers out their that would be more then happy to take your business, especially if you have a clean record and it's just an inflation thing.
The next way is to change your coverages. Many people don't find this palatable simply because they have the coverages they want and don't want to change it.
My only caution is this: If you call your agent and ask to have your rate reduced and they say "Sure, here's your new rate" ask them what they did. Very few insurers have "hidden discounts" that they can suddenly apply. If they say they do, ask two questions, 1) What is the discount, and 2) why didn't you give me that in the first place? (This also may be a time to start shopping around, if you're agent is hiding something like a valuable discount, they may be too dishonest to maintain contact with)
Of course you can always wait it out. You may never get your claims free discount back, but eventually the surcharge will fall off and your rate will go down.
Anyway, as always, post questions or thoughts.
Insurance Whiz
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